Many people are able to receive bad credit personal loans after bankruptcy, often as soon as 30 days following the discharge of the bankruptcy. Many companies have actually found a pretty good market offering these loans to their clients.
You see companies are willing to do this knowing that a person cannot claim bankruptcy for a minimum of seven years following the bankruptcy discharge.
This opens a new market where some lenders will take a chance of people with a bad credit rating knowing they have legal recourse to recoup the amount of the loan.
Although most traditional lenders simply will not grant bad credit personal loans after bankruptcy there are numerous lenders that fight over the market.
The truth is there are no laws that govern people in a bankruptcy that stops them from taking on these loans, although it is true that it probably wouldn't be their first suggestion in their required counseling classes.
This means that there should be nothing to stop someone from searching out financial support in the source of a loan once they have discharged their bankruptcy.
The fact that bankruptcy can cause people so many difficulties, let alone embarrassment sometimes, pushes them to some drastic measures in an effort to get back on their feet. In some cases picking up one of these loans could be perceived as a drastic measure.
In fact some of these people who are not so fortunate end up going from one bankruptcy to the next every seven years. Even today with the new bankruptcy law in place this still happens.
No Laws Govern Who Applies For Bad Credit Loans
At the time of writing there are not any laws in place to stop the individual from applying for these loans. There is however many laws to control those who offer the loans in the first place.
Many folks take out these loans despite the well-known fact that they come with very high rates, even folks who have been through multiple bankruptcies in the past still very often take them out.
It is the norm for lenders in this industry not to require collateral for the loan. The truth of the matter is that because of the legal recourse available which can include Wade garnishment, even when the loan goes into default the lender stands to make a profit.
Normally a court will make sure that a repayment is granted for whatever the loan amounts to including any additional costs involved with the collection should it default.
Either way you are strongly advised to consult your lawyer on anything relating to this as bankruptcy and these kinds of loans are to be taken very seriously, also like in all markets there are scams to be avoided so you must check out any deal you are interested in very closely. - 31380
You see companies are willing to do this knowing that a person cannot claim bankruptcy for a minimum of seven years following the bankruptcy discharge.
This opens a new market where some lenders will take a chance of people with a bad credit rating knowing they have legal recourse to recoup the amount of the loan.
Although most traditional lenders simply will not grant bad credit personal loans after bankruptcy there are numerous lenders that fight over the market.
The truth is there are no laws that govern people in a bankruptcy that stops them from taking on these loans, although it is true that it probably wouldn't be their first suggestion in their required counseling classes.
This means that there should be nothing to stop someone from searching out financial support in the source of a loan once they have discharged their bankruptcy.
The fact that bankruptcy can cause people so many difficulties, let alone embarrassment sometimes, pushes them to some drastic measures in an effort to get back on their feet. In some cases picking up one of these loans could be perceived as a drastic measure.
In fact some of these people who are not so fortunate end up going from one bankruptcy to the next every seven years. Even today with the new bankruptcy law in place this still happens.
No Laws Govern Who Applies For Bad Credit Loans
At the time of writing there are not any laws in place to stop the individual from applying for these loans. There is however many laws to control those who offer the loans in the first place.
Many folks take out these loans despite the well-known fact that they come with very high rates, even folks who have been through multiple bankruptcies in the past still very often take them out.
It is the norm for lenders in this industry not to require collateral for the loan. The truth of the matter is that because of the legal recourse available which can include Wade garnishment, even when the loan goes into default the lender stands to make a profit.
Normally a court will make sure that a repayment is granted for whatever the loan amounts to including any additional costs involved with the collection should it default.
Either way you are strongly advised to consult your lawyer on anything relating to this as bankruptcy and these kinds of loans are to be taken very seriously, also like in all markets there are scams to be avoided so you must check out any deal you are interested in very closely. - 31380
About the Author:
Bad Credit Personal Loans After Bankruptcy happen to be just one subject one can read about at our How To File Bankruptcy website.