Most people these days tend to get into debt through their own choice, and often through foolish decision making. They spend a lot on credit cards without a second thought that the amount of money to pay the cards off will eventually be so much more than they are spending in the first place. The debt grows, the payments become smaller and smaller and next thing you know there are phone call from the card company demanding payments.
The simple fact is that if you choose bankruptcy then your financial future will suffer the most. You credit will be affected for many years to come. In the US (unlike the UK, generally speaking) you will not even get off without paying at least some of your outstanding bills as was one time the case. As such, bankruptcy can no longer be seen as an easier option or as a "get out of debt free card".
Furthermore, as mentioned, your credit rating will suffer big time and in the US declaring bankruptcy will mean that your credit record will be adversely affected for a period of between 7 and 10 years. Within this period of time, trying to attain almost any type of loan will be fairly much an impossible task, and at the same time, it can also affect your career prospects too.
Another thing that you can do is to consolidate your card debts to one or two cards or a single loan. This way, not only is it easier to ensure all your payments are made on time but if you can find a credit card or loan that is of lower interest than your current average lenders charge, its a good way to save money too.
Also be careful when you are asked to leave your contact details for information. In my own experience this led to many telephone calls and sms messages from companies offering to "help". It was not what I was looking for at all and I suspected these companies were purely in it for their own good fortune rather than trying to alleviate my issues. - 31380
The simple fact is that if you choose bankruptcy then your financial future will suffer the most. You credit will be affected for many years to come. In the US (unlike the UK, generally speaking) you will not even get off without paying at least some of your outstanding bills as was one time the case. As such, bankruptcy can no longer be seen as an easier option or as a "get out of debt free card".
Furthermore, as mentioned, your credit rating will suffer big time and in the US declaring bankruptcy will mean that your credit record will be adversely affected for a period of between 7 and 10 years. Within this period of time, trying to attain almost any type of loan will be fairly much an impossible task, and at the same time, it can also affect your career prospects too.
Another thing that you can do is to consolidate your card debts to one or two cards or a single loan. This way, not only is it easier to ensure all your payments are made on time but if you can find a credit card or loan that is of lower interest than your current average lenders charge, its a good way to save money too.
Also be careful when you are asked to leave your contact details for information. In my own experience this led to many telephone calls and sms messages from companies offering to "help". It was not what I was looking for at all and I suspected these companies were purely in it for their own good fortune rather than trying to alleviate my issues. - 31380
About the Author:
The Disney credit card is a great card all round. The Disney rewards card is an ideal compliment to your Disney World trip so check out just how much it can help you enhance your Disney trip even more!